Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Labor Day Watauga River Rainbow on a Dry Fly
Fly Fishing in the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee will be good until it gets too cold around Thanksgiving. Give me a call or shoot me an E-mail to get your trip on the books.
I look forward to fishing with you,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Late Summer Dry Fly and Dropper Fishing
The dry fly and dropper or dry fly and double dropper fishing on the Watauga River has been so fun the past few weeks. I haven't had to look at a thing a ma bobber in weeks. I have been out guiding trips and fishing for fun. Fish on the Watauga are eating every kind of dry fly you can think of right now: Caddis Flies, Chernobyl Ants, Sulphur Flies, Crane Flies, Beetles, and Little tiny midges and Blue Winged Olives. Crazy. I even saw two fish in the Caddis Riffle fighting over a white Caterpillar (I tied some to try this Friday). The water is low and clear. Approximately half of the fish I am catching we are sight fishing. If you haven't tried sight fishing you have to try it. It is one of the most rewarding fly fishing experiences you will ever have. Attatched is a picture of Annie sporting her new Brown Trout Fly Fishing hat and holding one of the many fish she boated on our morning float last week. We hadn't fish together since June. What a sin. I am looking forward to fishing with all of you this fall. Even though I love fishing the Watauga River and South Holston Tailwaters the great Asheville local fishing is just around the corner.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Watauga River Fly Fishing Report 8/7/2011

Watauga River Fishing Report
I had the day off Sunday August 7 and I floated with my good college buddy Hunter Brush. The first half of the float was a little slow. A few fish were eating beetles and a few were eating our droppers, but not as often as we wanted. We rounded the bed in the river in front of the Watauga River Lodge and the mid river springs above the caddis riffle were pumping tons of mud into the river. It was really a cool sight. The mud bubbles were entering a perfectly clear river and welling up with force strong enough to bring them 2-3 inches out of the water. From the springs down fishing was good. We changed tactics and threw streamers for short time. We caught a couple of nice fish, but nothing huge. We switched to the nymph rig and caught 3-4 fish out of every hole we tried the rest of the day. Hunter broke off a nice Brown Trout in the ledges, and I landed the beautiful girl above in the fourth quarter hole. Great day. You never know what is going to happen when the water gets muddy, but this time it was good.
Call me to book a trip. The float fishing is still the way to go. The Watauga River is nice and cold in spite of Hades like outside temperatures.
Brown Hobson
Monday, August 8, 2011
August 3, 2011 Asheville Fly Fishing Report
Watauga River Fly Fishing Report 8/3/2011
The Watauga river was on fire last Wednesday. It was one of the best days I have seen since June. My dad Jack Hobson hired me to float my sister Martha and he down the Watauga river.
We fished dry flies and dry fly and dropper all day. This was Martha's second trip and she did an outstanding job putting her cast, mend, set, and fight together like she had been doing it for years. Dad did an awesome job as well, and landed his biggest fish outside of private trophy trout clubs. It at a beetle fly and we measured it at 21.5 inches long with a 12 inch girth. It was a really healthy fat fish, and a prize on a dry fly. Beetle fishing is the best. My client today described the anticipation of a beetle bite as the most exciting fly fishing experience he has had to date. Lets hope beetles keep falling in the water.
Its not too late to get a late summer float trip in. The Watauga and South Holston Rivers are the only cool trout waters around. Call me or E-mail.
Brown Hobson
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Watauga River Fly Fishing Report 6/18/11
Watauga River Fly Fishing Report June 18 2011
I took two beginners fly fishing Saturday and we floated the Watauga River near Johnson City, TN. There was a crazy flying ant hatch in the morning, but the fish were a little picky about which ones they would eat. That was how the dry fly fishing was the rest of the day. Fish were eating, but nothing consistent. We stuck with nymphs and caught average to above average fish all day. Big fish was this 17" rainbow. Great day especially for two people who had never fly fished before.
To book a Watauga Fly Fishing Float trip call me
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Asheville Brook Trout Fly Fishing Report
Asheville Brook Trout Fly Fishing Report 6/15/11 and 6/16/11
This fishing report is not a work related fishing report. Annie and I haven’t had time off together (weddings excluded) since the fishing season started. The stars aligned in our favor and we decided to mix a backpacking trip and a search for good brook trout water. We headed off into Pisgah National Forest in an area that is not very popular with most people. We ran into one group of hikers in two days. I had fished the lower end of this stream a few weeks before, but caught rainbows and browns, but no brook trout. We hiked four miles before we started fishing, at an elevation of 4,000 feet above sea level. We hit pay dirt. The first hole we fished yielded a dozen brook trout in the 4 to 7 inch range. The rest of the evening and next morning was just as good. Every hole that should hold a fish or two did.
The fish up there are small, but extremely colorful and plentiful. We found solitude that I haven’t found since I left WY. We had an awesome time, and I have already been back on a day trip. The hike in takes about an hour, but is not very steep. If you are interested in a back country trip like this give me a call to talk about the details.
Visit me on the web at
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Davidson River Fly Fishign Report June 6 2011 through June 12 2011

The Davidson fished really well last week. Good numbers of smaller fish were eating, and we had enough shots at larger fish to put a few in the net each day. I personally hooked the biggest fish I have had on all season and lost it to the log above the Humble Hole. The water is low, but still pretty cool. Fish are really eating and the crowds have not been too bad. Mornings are definitely better, but the river fished well all day Sunday.
Here are some pictures from my day off Sunday.
Call me to book a day on the Davidson.
Brown 803-431-9437
Brown Trout Fly Fishing Home Page
Early June Watauga Floats

The Latest Watauga River Fly Fishing Report
The water is low for June, but all that means is you are more likely to see fish before you cast to them. The sulphurs, caddis, craneflies, and terrestrials are out and the summer dry fly fishing on the Watauga has begun.
Call me to book a trip or inquire about local fishing.
Brown Trout Fly Fishing Home Page
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Asheville Area Fishing Report April 17-23
Davidson River Fishing Report April 17, 2011
The fishing was good, but tricky at the Davidson River Hatchery last weekend. The flood waters had the river running high, and the fish were feeding. The only trick was the wading. Fish were pushed tight to the bank and the water was ripping down the middle. It was harder to get to the fish, but when you did you were rewarded. They were eating size 10 stone fly nymphs, and 14 caddis soft hackles.
Davidson River Fishing Report April 18, 2011
The wading was a little easier Monday, but fish were still tight to cover. We got a smattering of different sizes smaller fish and hooked 5 really nice fish. Unfortunately we only landed one. The big guys were really using the current to their advantage. Our biggest, a nice rainbow, came unbuttoned right at the net. Heartbreaking. Thanks to Jamie Dickinson the ORVIS Charlotte Fishing Manager for bringing his boys up to fish with me.
West Fork Pigeon River Fishing Report April 19, 2011
I fished the West Fork with a Family from Connecticut looking for a warmer fishing climate. We had a great time. We caught most of our fish on nymphs, but the dad managed one fish on a Rabbits Foot Emerger. I can't wait for the water to come down some more so the fish start eating more dries! We used Stonefly nymphs, small mayflies, midges, eggs, and san juan worms.
South Holston Fishing Report April 20, 2011
I was a part of a big group float last week and we floated the South Holston Wednesday. Fishing was good, but not easy. We did a double upper section float thinking the upper would really turn on in the pm. We caught a few on SJ worms, but it was mostly a midge pupa game. Small midge nymphs fished near the bottom did the trick.
Watauga River Fishing Report April 21, 2011
We did a morning float on the Watauga with the TVA running a smaller than normal generation and actually managed a pretty good morning. We had to cancel the afternoon because the river got too muddy when the second wave of water hit us. Fish were definitely in select high water spots, but they were chomping when you found them. I found one seam that was great!
South Holston Fishing Report April 22, 2011
We wade fished in the morning and it was very good. The TVA hasn't given us a wade generation in a while and it showed. The fish were crushing midge pupa. One of the best wade days I have seen on the South Holston. We ate at Webb's Grocery and then put on for the float. The float was actually pretty good too. The second half of the float was very good. For about 45 minutes we couldn't keep those browns off the line. Excellent.
West Fork Pigeon River Fishing Report April 23, 2011
The West Fork fished ok in the morning, but was a little tough in the pm Saturday. We nymphed and threw dry dropper rigs in the morning and got fish on caddis, mayflies, stones, eggs, and midges. It was a smorgasbord. The afternoon got tougher and we caught a few on dry flies, and had a ton of follows on the streamer. Overall a great time on a beautiful river.
Call me if you want to book your trip in May I still have openings.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Hosted Belize Fly Fishing Trip Feb. 19 - Feb. 24

Next February my friend and fellow guide Brownie Liles and I are hosting a trip to Ambergris Caye, Belize for some of the world’s best flats fishing, and we want you to come with us. We will be staying at El Pescador, a stately, mahogany, beach front fly fishing lodge that has been hosting fishermen for almost 40 years. You may have recently seen the lodge, and its guides, featured on OLN’s Buccaneers and Bones series with Tom Brokaw and the Tarpon and Bonefish Trust. Brownie and I both have experience fishing and traveling to Belize. I led a trip from Jackson Hole to El Pescador in 2009, and Brownie used to own land just up the beach from the lodge in the early nineties. We are both excited about the opportunity to show you this special place.
I have booked spots in the lodge for 4 days of fishing and 5 nights arriving Sunday February 19, 2012 and returning on Friday February 24th. Extra days and nights of fishing or relaxing are easily added to either end of our stay if you are inclined. The base cost assuming a shared boat and double room occupancy is $2,585 per angler. You can upgrade to a single room for an additional $75 per night. Non angler packages start at $1705 and the countless non angler activities such as diving, snorkeling, jungle zip lines and other eco adventures can be arranged as desired. All packages include flights from BZE toand back to Belize International Airport, hotel and sales tax, 3 meals a day, heavy hors d’oeuvres, local beverages(beer, rum, soda) consumed at the bar, and complimentary use of lodge amenities(pool, gym, WIFI, bikes, kayaks, etc.).
Belize has flats diversity to rival anything in the world. The west side of Ambergris has sand flats, grass flats, hidden mangrove lagoons, and vast tarpon flats. The East side of the island has the second largest barrier reef in the world. On my trip in 2009 we landed bonefish, permit, tarpon, snook, snapper, jacks, barracudas, and ladyfish on the fly! That variation in fish and their habitat lets you see the flats in a way that is unique to Belize.
The dates for this trip have been strategically placed on the New Moon to maximize our fishing opportunities for all species. February in Belize has average day time temperatures of 80 degrees. Belize was a colony of Great Britain until 1981 and because of that all of the El Pescador fishing guides speak English, a huge advantage to the angler. This is an incredible time to leave an American winter and arrive in Central America for an unparalleled tropical fishing experience.
Brownie and I hope you will be able to share this week with us, and look forward to discussing further details with you.
Please call me if you would like to discuss the trip details further. 803-431-9437
Asheville are fishing report
April, 4 Fishing Report
I guided a full day on the Shelton Laurel Creek April 4 and we hammered them. I had one angler who wanted to do a lesson style trip and the fishing was really good. There were gobs of caddis coming off the water, but only a few fish were eating them. We caught fish on stone fly nymphs, SJ worms, Eggs, Soft Hackles, and pheasant tails. It was a really fun day of fly fishing and we had the river mostly to ourselves.
April, 7 Fishing Report
I guided Richard and Alyna on April 7 on the North Mills River. We got out for a morning half day trip and even with the early start there were lots of anglers on the water. The campground section was slammed. Tons of fishermen and a giant school group. We fished a couple of holes above the campground and caught fish on stone flies and then we drove up to Trace Ridge. We made the hike down to the river and covered lots of ground fishing stones and soft hackles. There were some March Browns hatching, but no fish rising so we stuck to the nymphs. Fishing was good, but you had to cover lots of ground. We didn't find many holes that were loaded with fish, but if you keep moving you will find a few here and a few there.
April, 9 Watauga River Fishing Report
The TVA stopped generating for a short period and we got out Saturday for a big float. There was a bachelor party going on which always makes for a great fly fishing trip. We caught a few fish on dry flies, but nymph fishing was more productive. We thought that the fishing would be crazy since no one had been fishing, but the fishing was just ok. We didn't cream them, but caught a good number of fish including a 16" rainbow and giant 6lb. Sucker Fish.
April, 11 South Holston Fishing Report
I floated the South Holston with a buddy doing a scouting trip, and the fishing was very streaky. We would change flies for an hour and then finally find one they would eat. After a handful of fish they would stop. Then the cycle repeated itself. We caught them on midges, pheasant tails, scuds, and sj worms. Fun day, but we definitely had to work for it.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Watauga River Fly Fishing Report
I fished the Watauga River Tuesday from the Watauga River Lodge down to the bridges takeout. Fishing was good until the water hit us around noon. We did not see any blue winged olives, but that was the nymph they were eating. We did see my first Mothers Day Caddis of the season just above the ledges. We fished the dries there for a while, but only managed a few. There were bugs, birds eating the bugs, but only about 10 fish rising. I would expect any day now the fish will really key in on the new food source.
If you want to get in on some of this great April fishing give me a call. When you plan a trip based in Asheville, NC the opportunities are so numerous that there will be some river close that is fishing great.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Asheville Area Fly Fishing Report 3/27 and 3/28
I fished the Davidson River last Sunday and there were lots of fish and big fish spread out nicely around the hatchery. That was the first day I had seen big fish all over the river. It was cold, rainy and the fishing was good, but not easy. The trout were eating lots of different flies, but you had to work because one fly wasn't the magic answer. They ate lots of different midges and one nice fish ate a white wooly bugger. This Davidson River is about to pop. Sometime in the next two weeks bugs are going to go crazy and the fish with them.
Tuckasgeegee Fly Fishing Report with George and Elliot
My friends George and Elliot, co captains of the Horse Creek Hookers One Fly Team, came to Asheville to visit me and get a little early season fly fishing in. We floated the Tuckaseegee and had a good day. Conditions were cool and cloudy in the morning and we had one generator until noon and then 2 the rest of the day. The afternoon was nice and sunny. The fish really keyed in on the swing. We focused on getting flies down and then holding the line tight to create an upward motion. Below are some pictures.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Asheville Fly Fishing Report March 24 and March 25
Shelton Laurel Creek
The Laurel Delayed Harvest section fished pretty well Thursday. The fish have been spread out by the big rains and you can find one in pretty much every hole that should have fish in it. They will still eat some of the normal delayed harvest flies like sj worms and stonefly nymphs, but there are lots of caddis and little quills hatching. Don't hesitate to tie on your favorite soft hackle and little mayfly nymphs. We didn't fish any dries, but did cast our nymphs to rising fish and they ate them. We left with a big fish story. One of the bigger fish I have hooked in that river this year broke us off at the net.
The Tuckaseegee fished really well yesterday. We floated on low water in the morning and did well in a few spots, but once the water hit us it was on. Duke Energy was supposed to run both of the power house, but only gave us one which was perfect. It was one of those days you dream about. I thought we might see some fish rising, but it was not the case. The Tuck is still pretty cold, but we should see some limited dry fly fishing opportunities before too long.
Call me to book a trip or for more information.
Brown 803-431-9437
Monday, March 21, 2011
Asheville Fishing Report March, 19 2011
Guiding was good on the West Fork of the Pigeon Saturday. A guide friend and myself took four anglers fly fishing on the West Fork Saturday morning for a half day. One angler was experienced, one was familiar, and two were novices. Everyone caught fish! Water levels were great and we were able to sight cast almost exclusively. We caught all of our fish nymphing, but we did see a few fish rise to the Caddis and March Browns that were starting to hatch. The weather was awesome and our customer's testimonial was, "best day of fishing, and the trip exceeded our expectations." That is always my goal, and I was glad to hear it from them. The Asheville area fishing report is good most places. Call Fly Fishing Guide Brown Hobson and owner of Brown Trout Fly Fishing to book or inquire about fly fishing trips in the Asheville area.
Brown Trout Fly Fishing Home Page
Friday, March 18, 2011
March 18, 2011 Asheville, NC Fishing Report
I was on the water a ton last week and a half. I was guiding and fishing for fun. We were dealing with the flood waters of the two big rain storms we had, but fishing was still good expecially if you went to the top of the water sheds. Expect everything to get even better when the water comes down and fish are more accessible.
North Mills Fishing Report
I fished the North Mills River twice last week. The water up there is crystal clear, but was high. There were a few holes that are slow moving and were business as usual, but most required lots of split shot and an attentive drift. Standard Delayed Harvest flies were working. There were small dark caddis out, but the water was too high for fish to try and eat them.
Davidson River Fishing Report
The Davidson is clear and high like the North Mills. They both have some of the cleanest water around us since there is no development above them. The fish are still podded up on the Davidson, but they should spread out very soon. If you can find a group of fish in the big riffle it is on! Our best flies have been size 20 midge patterns dropped off eggs and worms. There were bigger bugs out the last trip. BWO’s, Blue Quills, I think I saw a Hendrickson. The first of April should bring awesome fishing up at the hatchery.
Curtis Creek Fishing Report
Curtis Creek didn’t get near the rainfall of the rivers west of Asheville. It is at pretty normal flows and even is trending a little low for this time of year. Fishing was ok. Everywhere there should have been a fish there was one, but not many more. The big pool by the handicap ramp was full of wary fish, but we worked them for a few hours one day and hooked close to a dozen. There is one big guy about 17” or 18” that we hooked twice. He broke off once, and threw the hook on a big jump the second time. If you can get on that pool great, if not you have to work pretty hard down there to find your fish.
Shelton Laurel Fishing Report
The Laurel fished well. It was still high when we fished it, and I think there were lots of fish hiding on the bottom, but we found a couple of spots with good seams and were on fish. The Laurel has some nice ones in it too. It may have the largest average fish of all the Delayed Harvest water I have fished this month.
Tuckasegee Fishing Report
This report is a little older. Because of the rain Duke Energy has been running the Tuckasegee full bore. It also has a good amount of mud in it. Before the storms, about two weeks ago, it was on fire. The fish were eating eggs, worms, soft hackles, and caddis pupae. It should be fishing well again in just a few days.
Call me if you need a fly fishing guide (803)-431-9437, and check out my website and facebook page.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
2011 Delayed Harvest is Now Open

North Carolina stocked all of their delayed harvest trout waters last week. I helped the Land O' Sky chapter with the North Mills Friday. The start of this spring season offers great wade fishing opportunities for people who are interested in getting their first fly fishing experience. The Asheville, NC area offers the most fly fishing opportunities as well as the most diverse experiences on the East Coast. No place on this side of the Mississippi River has the density of trout fishing within an hour drive. It's on and lets go.
Brown Trout Fly Fishing Home Page
For Booking Information call Brown Hobson 803-431-9437
Winter on the Watauga Feb. 15
Josh, Caitlin and I took advantage of the warm spell last month and managed a half day float trip on the Watauga River. Caitlin gave the trip to Josh for his 21st birthday. We put in at the Watauga River Lodge and floated down to the Quality Section take out in Watauga, TN. The fishing was good, but not easy. We caught all of our fish on Zebra Midges fished under strike indicators. We had a great time and Josh even talked Caitlin into holding her last fish for the camera. It was the start of a great season floating and fly fishing on the Watauga River.
For Booking or Inquires call Brown Hobson at 803-431-9437